domenica 2 agosto 2015

Una maledizione... - A curse...

Una maledizione 

Sì, lo era. Anzi no, era una maledizione. Improvvisamente, potevo vedere oltre gli oggetti, anche attraverso di essi. 
Sentivo le voci dei professori che mi chiedevano cosa mi stesse succedendo; io non li ascoltavo, non ci riuscivo. Ero troppo confusa. Era come se tutto mi stesse schiacciando. Era come vivere di nuovo quella sensazione che provai da piccola in montagna. Ero rivolta verso le montagne, il paesaggio aveva una vista aperta di fronte a me; io mi sentivo di troppo, come se quel luogo fosse già perfetto così com'era, come se io valessi meno che niente, ero un sassolino in un fiume in piena. Era una sensazione strana. C'era troppo. Troppo di tutto. Io ero di troppo. Io ero di troppo in mezzo a quelle montagne come ero di troppo in quell'aula. 
Ero di troppo, eppure ero indispensabile. Io ero la ragazzina che doveva fare l'esame e tutta l'attenzione era incentrata su di me. 
Decisi di provare ad affrontare quel nuovo potere a testa alta e ad aprire gli occhi: un senso che ora dovevo riscoprire. Sarebbe stato un po' come rinascere: avrei visto la realtà con occhi diversi.
E quindi decisi di aprire gli occhi. 

A curse 

Yes, it was. Well, actually it wasn't a curse. I couldn't only see the objects, but I could also see across them.
I heard the voices of the teachers who were asking me what was happening to me; I didn't really listen to them, I couldn't do it. I was too confused. It was as all things were pressing me. It was like to live again that sensation that I felt when I was a little child in the mountains. I was tilted toward the mountains, the view was open in front of me; I was feeling something more, like that place was already too perfect without me, like I didn't count toward, I was like a pebble in a river in overflow.   
It was a strange sensation. There was excessive. Excessive of everything. I was in excess. I was in excess in the middle of that mountains like I was in excess in that classroom. 
I was in excess, but I was indispensable. I was the little girl that have to do the exam and all the attention was on me.  
I decide to try to engage that new power with my head held high and to open my eyes: a sense that I had to discover again. It was like be born again: I'd have see the reality with different eyes.
I decided to open my eyes. 

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